Friday, April 30, 2010

Everyone is doing it

Hahaha watch the video below. It is one hilarious ad!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Frag vs. Semtex

The Frag Grenade as many of you may know has the ability to be “cooked” which many players find advantageous in the heat of battle. Because of this ability, Frags can be hurled into a crowded room and explode almost instantaneously as opposed to Semtex grenade which has a timed fuse and doesn’t activate until the user releases it. This can be useful because once drawn, players have the option of putting the grenade away, while Frags have to eventually be thrown once drawn. In addition to infinite holding, Semtex grenades have the ability to stick to whatever surfaces they touch. The stickable surfaces include both enemy and friendly personnel. This is perfect for times where a frag grenade would normally roll or bounce back, not that this can’t also be a useful tool.

To close, Frags can be thrown back at the user if not properly cooked. Also, even though they are electronic, Semtex Grenades are not effected by the EMP Deathstreak, but the throwing kinfe strangely is. When choosing a Frag or Semtex Grenade it pretty much depends on the user’s preference. Personally I prefer the Semtex, but I plan on trying to work the Frag Grenade into a few of my classes.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Comment on other blog

ACR, glorious ACR

AHHH THE ACR! The glorious ACR. Unlocked at 48, it's a while to reach this baby if you've gone prestige or just starting fresh.

This gun would probably be best described as a noob's gun due to the lack of recoil and quick fire rate but I say who cares if you kill a "pro" with it, they just got owned by a noob gun. It's damage is fairly low but equipped with stopping power, you are a force to be reckoned with! The little recoil means that over short to medium distances you can hold that trigger down and fire away and find yourself hitting the enemy more times than missing! It's very accurate over long distances too, best used in 3 round bursts.

The downside to this gun are the iron sights. It's quite chunky and blocks off quite a bit of your peripheral vision due to the size of the sights. Never fear though, 25 kills and you'll remove the hideous metal in place of a red dot sight. Watch your kills (and accuracy) rise! Another problem is the reload time, without sleight of hand the gun takes a solid 2+ seconds to reload so you could find yourself, if you're like me, reloading after killing someone whilst only firing a couple of bullets (it's habit!).

My class equipped with this gun is:
Primary Weapon: ACR with red dot attachment
Secondary Weapon: Spaz or akimbo Rangers.
Special grenade: Stun/Flash.
Equipment: Semtex/Frag

Perk 1: Sleight of hand.
Perk 2: Stopping Power.
Perk 3: Commando (or whatever you prefer)

It's a gun to be reckoned with and in my opinion, the best assault rifle due to it's quick fire rate and accuracy!

Monday, April 26, 2010


Highrise is a multi-player map located in New York City. Fighting takes place on a skyscraper roof which is currently under construction so the two factions of Rangers and Spetznas decide to make this particular construction site, their death field..

Assault rifles are a must on this map as it is mostly medium to long range encounters due to the large corridors and long alley ways to get to the opposite office block. On the western side is a scaffolding site which makes a perfect vantage point for snipers but are easy pickings if spotted early. A large tunnel complex runs from beneath linking both bases together making it a "safer" run to the opposite end.

This map is full of choke points due to the long straight paths leading to each base, expect novice players to camp within the interior of the office block with snipers or run through the central walkway.

1. Beams: These beams offer a path to the second floor of the northern interior. Don't spend too long on this piece of metal as it offers little protection but the second floor (if you reach it) will offer a chance to hone your sniping skills.

2. North Interior: One of two office blocks, if sniping here watch your six, there's bound to be an enemy making their way to this side via the underground passage way for a backstab. Shotguns are very effective here as well as frags/semtex.

3. South Interior: Pretty much same as North interior but be careful if an airborne killer is active (AC-130/Harrier/Chopper gunner/Attack Helicopter etc)... there's a glass roof above your head which will offer little.. actually NO protection.

4. Scaffolding: Utilizing this effectively means you can get access to the roof of the south interior giving you yet another chance to hone your sniping skills (and jumping!) but you're easy pickings if you don't move quickly and don't "duck shoot" while sniping on the roof. The scaffolding itself is a decent sniping spot but provides little protection, make yourself small as possible by proning if camping here.

5. Passage way: The underground passage way spans from the south block to the north block. It isn't a secret, everyone knows it's there but lightweight + tac knife = quick, quiet kills and they're bound to want to get that payback! Traversing through here successfully, you'll find yourself in the enemy spawn point (provided it hasn't moved yet) making yourself a backstabber or.. a more lethal but loud approach, a shotgunner. This passage way is susceptible to airborne killers due to the two open sections so move quickly!

6. Parkour opp: Namely so because of the daredevil antics a player must perform to gain access to the roof of the south interior. Might rack up a few suicides here.

One final note, when the game is about to begin choose your sniping class. As soon as the game starts walk forward far enough until you can see through the big side window, zoom in diagonally left if Spetznas or diagonally right if Ranger and you'll be able to spot the heads of the other team! Provided you're a quick sniper you'll be able to rack up a few kills in a couple of seconds, watch out though, this little trick is well known now so the other team could be doing the same thing ;)

Credits to the Playstation 2009 Magazine

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Staying alive..

18 kills, 18 deaths isn't so bad. But wouldn't you prefer 18 kills and 4.. 5 deaths?
Dying is inevitable in Modern Warfare 2 but dying as little as possible will definitely help your team and will also allow you to build up your killstreaks for that elusive AC-130 gunship, chopper gunner or the nuke!

A good class to have (assuming your playing Team Deathmatch like majority of people are) would be to have an assualt rifle equipped with silencer (for small - medium maps) with Sleight of Hand as perk 1 to boost your reload speed for those waves of enemies or Marathon to provide unlimited spring (Marathon Pro), perk 2 would be handy to have either cold blooded or stopping power to take down foes quicker and perk 3 can be decided on your personal liking, I tend to go for Commando to allow a lunge knife kill from a distance.

Keep running especially on TDM, Hardcore it's alright to camp (campings for noobs though =P) due to the lack of a permanent UAV. Continuous movement around the map eliminates enemies sneaking around to take you down cos they know where you are camping. The silencer will allow you to be invisible whilst taking down enemies and the stopping power perk will allow for quick kills with minimal bullets. Do routes on a map, in other words, continuously run around the map in a pattern, this allows you to get familiar with a particular area knowing where enemies can and can't be and enemies, more often than not, come back for some payback. When turning corners always aim down sights (ADS), it's more accurate than hipfiring and allows you to take out foes quicker if surprised after turning a corner.

There's more to it to staying alive but that's some of the key points!
Below is a video of an amazing killstreak, enjoy ;)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010



Today I'll be talking about the Scavenger perk!
Introduced in Modern Warfare 2, this perk allows you to resupply your load out from fallen enemies allowing you to roam around the map once more without worrying about running out of bullets... even equipment and grenades!
The pro version of this perk allows the user to pick up extra mags therefore fully loading up there weapons. Pretty amazing after an intense firefight!

This perk is more suited for snipers who camp and die minimally as well as players who carry launchers such as the AT-4 as it allows continuous flow of rockets.

Go you dirty vulture!

Blog Layout

We've got our layout planned out in the image below.
Rolling with a nightvision motif associated with Modern Warfare 2. Hopefully it turns out well. Will be implementing the layout as soon as possible! Shouldn't take too long.........

Once the layout is done we'll get started on the good stuff, Modern Warfare 2 posts!!

Hang on tight!

Monday, April 5, 2010

First Post!

This blog is designed to talk about all things Modern Warfare 2. That amazing game that has taken over our lives, created turmoil within current relationships, formed new relationships (as in, added some random dude from across the globe because you and him ripped up one round) and that game that has made you throw insults at a person who cleaned up the round with 28 kills and 3 deaths and the only one with the good connection.

This blog will discuss anything and everything to do with the game. Just because it's awesome.

In due time we will update the look of this website to give it a very MW2 feel. Just hang on tight!

In the words of Captain Price...
"Let's do this!"