Highrise is a multi-player map located in New York City. Fighting takes place on a skyscraper roof which is currently under construction so the two factions of Rangers and Spetznas decide to make this particular construction site, their death field..

Assault rifles are a must on this map as it is mostly medium to long range encounters due to the large corridors and long alley ways to get to the opposite office block. On the western side is a scaffolding site which makes a perfect vantage point for snipers but are easy pickings if spotted early. A large tunnel complex runs from beneath linking both bases together making it a "safer" run to the opposite end.
This map is full of choke points due to the long straight paths leading to each base, expect novice players to camp within the interior of the office block with snipers or run through the central walkway.
1. Beams: These beams offer a path to the second floor of the northern interior. Don't spend too long on this piece of metal as it offers little protection but the second floor (if you reach it) will offer a chance to hone your sniping skills.
2. North Interior: One of two office blocks, if sniping here watch your six, there's bound to be an enemy making their way to this side via the underground passage way for a backstab. Shotguns are very effective here as well as frags/semtex.
3. South Interior: Pretty much same as North interior but be careful if an airborne killer is active (AC-130/Harrier/Chopper gunner/Attack Helicopter etc)... there's a glass roof above your head which will offer little.. actually NO protection.
4. Scaffolding: Utilizing this effectively means you can get access to the roof of the south interior giving you yet another chance to hone your sniping skills (and jumping!) but you're easy pickings if you don't move quickly and don't "duck shoot" while sniping on the roof. The scaffolding itself is a decent sniping spot but provides little protection, make yourself small as possible by proning if camping here.
5. Passage way: The underground passage way spans from the south block to the north block. It isn't a secret, everyone knows it's there but lightweight + tac knife = quick, quiet kills and they're bound to want to get that payback! Traversing through here successfully, you'll find yourself in the enemy spawn point (provided it hasn't moved yet) making yourself a backstabber or.. a more lethal but loud approach, a shotgunner. This passage way is susceptible to airborne killers due to the two open sections so move quickly!
6. Parkour opp: Namely so because of the daredevil antics a player must perform to gain access to the roof of the south interior. Might rack up a few suicides here.
One final note, when the game is about to begin choose your sniping class. As soon as the game starts walk forward far enough until you can see through the big side window, zoom in diagonally left if Spetznas or diagonally right if Ranger and you'll be able to spot the heads of the other team! Provided you're a quick sniper you'll be able to rack up a few kills in a couple of seconds, watch out though, this little trick is well known now so the other team could be doing the same thing ;)
Credits to the Playstation 2009 Magazine
& http://www.modernwarfare247.com/multiplayer/maps/highrise
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